Tag Archives: start up



If you asked me this morning what I thought I would end up doing throughout my day, starting up a blog probably wasn’t going to make the short list.  And I can certainly tell you that at 7:15am when my alarm goes, that is the furthest thing from my mind. But somewhere along the way it became my obsession.

Maybe it was the shower I took this morning? They always say that its the most “you” time a person can have. It is just you, piping water, and hopefully a pretty reliable shower-head. For me; the more pressure the better!

Or it could have been the hours that droned on and on at work. I swear, time can be such a double-edged sword. It is awesome to have mindless free time every now and again but it doesn’t always end up mindless. You start thinking about where you wanted your life to be, or what you are going to eat for dinner, or why you don’t think you are happy. And that last one can leave such a sour taste in your mouth.

A year ago I started brainstorming all the multitude of ideas that I had for starting my own business. All I knew was that when it comes to being creative I wasn’t lacking in that department. At first, I wanted to create cool, industrial furniture and now I’m cutting away at linoleum, rolling on ink, and making prints. What am I doing?! I am all over the place. I dabble in this and I dabble in that. I dabble in dabbling for Christ’s sake. But, I love it. While doing it I am sane…grounded…centered…happy.

For all I know my business could start up in a month, a year, five years down the line. I can never be sure. Especially with trying to juggle that and a full time job all the same. But the idea is enough to keep a fire under my butt. We have all been there, right?

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